Empowering people to change their world
through education, health, self-reliance, and technology.
“"By partnering with the Empowerment Foundation, we have been able to provide some of the much needed technology resources to facilitate our children with access to the world through the Internet."
Detroit Public SchoolsJim Davis, Technology Manager, Detroit Public Schools, Detroit Michigan
““Thank you for your generous support of Schools Online this past year. Together with our donors and educational partners, we have made enormous progress in our work of connecting the world, …. one school at a time.”
Schools OnlineTouraj Rahimi, President, Schools Online, San Jose, California
““On behalf of the Michigan Minority Business Development Council and myself, I take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your donation of the laptop computers. Your donation has assisted my staff in becoming more mobile, and being able to work on assignment off-site, all for the betterment of minority business.”
Michigan Minority Business Development CouncilDr. Delbert Gray, President, Michigan Minority Business Development Council, Detroit Michigan
“Mercy Education Project has been empowering women and girls in Detroit through education. Yanela is one of our incredible girls who believes she can, so she does! She began attending our programming as a 3rd grader who was over 2 years behind in reading skills. As an English language learner, Yanela needed specialized attention to get her academic skills to a level that would allow her to succeed, and not continue to fall behind, in school. Yanela worked for two hard years with her tutor using our ReadingEggs software and now, as a 5th grader, Yanela is reading at grade-level! Thank you Empowerment Foundation, for helping Yanela and so many others succeed!
Mercy Education ProjectJannette Phillips
“When Leila was approaching secondary school, Mam Leila worried her daughter would have to drop out of school as she had. Fortunately, the Empowerment Foundation ensured that didn’t happen to Leila. She enrolled in Room to Read’s Girls Education Program and her world has been transformed. Leila stayed in school and is thriving, receiving top marks in her classes. When girls have the chance to learn, global poverty, child and maternal mortality, child marriage, disease and conflict are all dramatically reduced.
Room to Read’s Girls Education ProgramLucina Di Meco, Global Director of Girls’ Education
“This donation helped build healthy, strong, literate, empowered children through a six-week summer curriculum that integrated academic enrichment and physical activity. The Empowerment Foundation‘ssupport was key to our organization’s ability to offer this very important program in the HOPE Village community this summer. In short, as a result of this program funded by the Empowerment Foundation, instead of summer reading loss, we saw summer reading gains for our scholars. Scholars grew in their self-image, as well as in their understanding that they have the power to change themselves, their schools, their neighborhoods and the world.
The HOPE Village InitiativeDeborah E. Fisher, Director
“Pratham’s work is about far more than literacy. It is about creating productive and open educational environments so that children can become curious explorers, critical thinkers and lifelong learners. It is about empowering parents to play a more active role in their child’s education. It is about providing young men and women the skills and opportunities necessary to pursue productive, fulfilling lives. Of course, none of this would be attainable without your help. We are humbled by your generosity and dedication in helping Pratham educate the underprivileged of India.
PrathamDeepak Raj, Pratham USA Chairman